Malang is a city in East Java province, Indonesia. The city is located in a pretty cool highland, located 90 km south of Surabaya, and Malang is surrounded by territory. Malang is the second largest city in East Java, and known by the nickname of the city students.
The name "Malang" is still researched its origins by historians. Historians still continue to explore the sources to get the right answer on the origin of the name "Malang". Until now it has acquired several hypotheses about the origin of the name of Malang.
Malangkucecwara written in the symbol of the city, according to one hypothesis, the name of a sacred building. The name of the sacred building itself was found in two inscriptions of King Balitung of Central Java which is the inscription Mantyasih year 907, and 908 inscriptions that were found in one place between the Surabaya-Malang. However, where lies the true holy building Malangkucecwara that historians still do not get a deal. One party thought it was the location of the sacred building in mountain areas Burying, a mountain range that stretches to the east of the city of Malang, where there is a mountain peak named Malang. Proving the correctness of this conjecture is still underway, because it turns out, on the western town of Malang, there is also a mountain called Malang.
Other parties suspect that the real location of the shrine was located in the area Tumpang, one place in the northern city of Malang. Until recently in the area there is still a village named Malangsuka, which some historians, probably derived from the spoken word Malankuca reversed. The opinion above is also strengthened by the many ancient buildings are scattered in the area, such as Candi Jago and Candi Kidal, which both are relics of the kingdom Singasari.
Of the two hypotheses mentioned above are also still uncertain what the former presumably known by the name derived from the name of Malang shrine Malangkucecwara it. Is the area around Malang now, or two mountains named Malang around the area.
A copper inscription found in late 1974 on the banks of the plantation, Wlingi, southwest of Malang, in a part written as follows: "... ... ... ... taning sakrid Malang macu-akalihan wacid opponent pasabhanira dyah Spleen Makanagran I ... ... ...". The meaning of the sentence above is: "... ... .. to the east where hunting around Malang together wacid and mancu, rice fields Dyah Spleen namely ... ... ... "From the sound of the inscription was found in Malang is the one place in the east of the places mentioned in the inscription. From this inscription obtained one proof that the use of the name of Malang has existed at least since the 12th century AD.
who had settled there.
Previous hypotheses, perhaps with a different opinion Malang suspect that the name comes from the word "Denies" or "obstruct" (in Javanese language means Malang). Once Sunan Mataram who want to expand its influence into the East Java has tried to occupy the area of Malang. Area residents fought a great war. Therefore, Sunan Mataram assume that the people of the area to obstruct, deny, or poor for the purpose of Sunan Mataram. Since then the area called Malang. The emergence of these Kanjuruhan Kingdom, by the experts viewed as a milestone in the history of the early growth of the central government until now, after 12 centuries ago, has grown to become the city of Malang. After the royal Kanjuruhan, in the golden kingdom Singasari (1000 years after AD) in Malang area still found a prosperous kingdom, many of its inhabitants as well as agricultural lands are very fertile. When Islam conquered the kingdom of Majapahit Kingdom around the year 1400, Patih Majapahit fled to the area of Malang. He later established an independent Hindu kingdom, which by his son fought for into one kingdom advanced. Royal center located in the city of Malang is still visible remnants of a sturdy building castle in the village named Kutobedah Kutobedah. It is the Sultan of Mataram from Central Java who eventually came to conquer this area in 1614 after receiving strong opposition from residents of this area.
As with most other cities in Indonesia in general, modern Malang grow and develop after the presence of the Dutch East Indies colonial administration. Public facilities are planned in such a way as to meet the needs of the Dutch family. Discriminatory impression still spotting up to now, eg [[Ijen Boullevard]] and the surrounding region. At first only enjoyed by families of Dutch and other Europeans, while the indigenous population must be satisfied living in the suburbs with inadequate facilities. Housing area is now a living monument and is often visited by the descendants of Dutch families
The name "Malang" is still researched its origins by historians. Historians still continue to explore the sources to get the right answer on the origin of the name "Malang". Until now it has acquired several hypotheses about the origin of the name of Malang.

Other parties suspect that the real location of the shrine was located in the area Tumpang, one place in the northern city of Malang. Until recently in the area there is still a village named Malangsuka, which some historians, probably derived from the spoken word Malankuca reversed. The opinion above is also strengthened by the many ancient buildings are scattered in the area, such as Candi Jago and Candi Kidal, which both are relics of the kingdom Singasari.
Of the two hypotheses mentioned above are also still uncertain what the former presumably known by the name derived from the name of Malang shrine Malangkucecwara it. Is the area around Malang now, or two mountains named Malang around the area.
A copper inscription found in late 1974 on the banks of the plantation, Wlingi, southwest of Malang, in a part written as follows: "... ... ... ... taning sakrid Malang macu-akalihan wacid opponent pasabhanira dyah Spleen Makanagran I ... ... ...". The meaning of the sentence above is: "... ... .. to the east where hunting around Malang together wacid and mancu, rice fields Dyah Spleen namely ... ... ... "From the sound of the inscription was found in Malang is the one place in the east of the places mentioned in the inscription. From this inscription obtained one proof that the use of the name of Malang has existed at least since the 12th century AD.

Previous hypotheses, perhaps with a different opinion Malang suspect that the name comes from the word "Denies" or "obstruct" (in Javanese language means Malang). Once Sunan Mataram who want to expand its influence into the East Java has tried to occupy the area of Malang. Area residents fought a great war. Therefore, Sunan Mataram assume that the people of the area to obstruct, deny, or poor for the purpose of Sunan Mataram. Since then the area called Malang. The emergence of these Kanjuruhan Kingdom, by the experts viewed as a milestone in the history of the early growth of the central government until now, after 12 centuries ago, has grown to become the city of Malang. After the royal Kanjuruhan, in the golden kingdom Singasari (1000 years after AD) in Malang area still found a prosperous kingdom, many of its inhabitants as well as agricultural lands are very fertile. When Islam conquered the kingdom of Majapahit Kingdom around the year 1400, Patih Majapahit fled to the area of Malang. He later established an independent Hindu kingdom, which by his son fought for into one kingdom advanced. Royal center located in the city of Malang is still visible remnants of a sturdy building castle in the village named Kutobedah Kutobedah. It is the Sultan of Mataram from Central Java who eventually came to conquer this area in 1614 after receiving strong opposition from residents of this area.
As with most other cities in Indonesia in general, modern Malang grow and develop after the presence of the Dutch East Indies colonial administration. Public facilities are planned in such a way as to meet the needs of the Dutch family. Discriminatory impression still spotting up to now, eg [[Ijen Boullevard]] and the surrounding region. At first only enjoyed by families of Dutch and other Europeans, while the indigenous population must be satisfied living in the suburbs with inadequate facilities. Housing area is now a living monument and is often visited by the descendants of Dutch families

The city poor began to grow and develop after the presence of the Dutch colonial government, especially when started at operasikannya railway in 1879. Various masyarakatpun increasing demand will mainly be wiggle room to do various activities. As a result there was a change in land use, areas that woke popping uncontrollably. Land use change is very rapid changes, such as from a function into housing and industrial agriculture.
* In 1767 the Dutch East India Company entered the city * Year 1821 position of the Dutch government in concentrating around the time Brantas * Year 1824 Malang has a Resident Assistant * Year 1882 houses in the western city was founded and the town square established in the wake. * 1 April 1914 on the set as the Township Malang * March 8, 1942 Japan occupied Malang * 21 September 1945 entered Territory of the Republic of Indonesia Malang * July 22, 1947 the Dutch occupied Malang * March 2, 1947 the Government of the Republic of Indonesia re-entered the city of Malang. * January 1, 2001, the City Government of Malang.

* Mount Semeru in East
* Gunung Kawi and west Panderman
* Kelud south
Malang climatic conditions during the year 2006 recorded average air temperatures ranged from 22.2 ° C - 24.5 ° C. While the maximum temperature reached 32.3 ° C and 17.8 ° C minimum temperature. Average humidity ranges from 74% - 82%. with maximum humidity reached 97% and 37% minimum. Like most other regions in Indonesia, Malang round 2 following the change in climate, the rainy season and dry season. From the observation Climatology Station Karangploso relatively high rainfall that occurred in January, February, March, April, and December. Meanwhile, in June, August, and November rainfall is relatively low.
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